Kit Kat (disambiguation)
Kit Kat is a chocolate confection.
Kit Kat or Kit Cat may also refer to:
- Ketamine
- Kit-Cat Club, a political club named after Christopher Catling (known as Kit Cat) whose pie-shop was used as the meeting place
- Kit-Cat Klock, an art deco novelty style clock manufactured since 1932
- Kit-Cat pie, a type of mutton pie, supposedly from the pie house where the Kit-Cat Club met
- Kit-cat portrait, a particular size of portrait (36×28 inches) used for members of the club
- Kit Kat Club, was a popular nightclub in London in the 1920s, under the predecessor of the former Odeon Haymarket movie theatre
- Kit Kat Club, a fictional club in 1930s Germany featured in the stage show Cabaret and the film of the same name
- Kit Kat Club, an avant-garde New York City artists' club founded in 1981
- Kit Kat Guest Ranch, a brothel in Nevada (US)
- Kitkat, a female comedian from the Philippines
- Kit Kat, a fictional character played by actor David Caruso in the 1991 American film, Hudson Hawk
- Kit Kat, a 1991 Egyptian film directed by Daoud Abdel Sayed
- Kit vs Kat, A show shown on Disney XD and in some countries Disney Channel.
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